I used to work in a parking lot for a year...and believe me, that was a year too long.
When you come to visit Disney World in your own hoopty, all adrenaline to get to the park aside, the part you're not really looking forward to is the Russian Roulette of getting a choice parking spot...or the bottom of the barrel.
Let's be honest, you're already a little more than agitated after dropping $14.00 to park anyway, so you're already under the impression that you get to choose not only where you're gonna park, but downright to how you'll park. For 14 bucks you'll park upside down if you want.
The point is, there is absolutely nothing. worse. than getting to the poor Castmember who has been saddled with the responsibility of dealing with grumpy parking guests, and having to face them when they give you the two finger point to the end of a brand new row that they just began parking.
However, while there is nothing worse than that? There isn't a thing on the face of the planet that is better, than getting to that Castmember and having them escort you to the last available spot of a row they are finishing off.
The clouds open up, the sun shines down upon you and only you as the Hallelujah chorus sounds and a red carpet appears out of nowhere as you roll into your All Star Parking Spot.
Sure, the driver in the car behind you is now cursing as they floor it the 3 mile stretch to the end of the next row...but you can rest easy as you take a few extra lingering seconds in the precious air conditioning of your vehicle while you wait for the tram to get there because being #1 in the parking lot? Means you're just seconds and only a few steps away from the carriage that will take you to the front door of your day's adventure!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011
#991 : Seeing your favorite character
There are literally hundreds of things to look forward to when you're heading to a Disney park. Seeing the castle at the end of Main Street, going on your favorite ride, getting a turkey leg and sharing it with your family. The list goes on and on.
For me, my favorite thing to look forward to is accidentally, without even trying, just running into your all time favorite character.
And no matter what anybody says, there's a character that at one point has had this euphoric effect on everyone on planet Earth.
Here's how it goes:
You're walking down Main Street U.S.A. and you're minding your own business. Maybe you're taking pictures or just taking in the delightful smells that pump through the air. Whatever you're doing, it's not until you're right in front of him/her, but before you know it, there they are.
In my life? It's Pluto. Ever since I was a little kid, I've always had this obsession with Mickey's dog. The sad story is that when I was a kid, I accidentally ran into Pluto at a Gazebo at Toontown and I remember running up to him arms wide open. However, Pluto had to "go get a dog treat", and as far as I knew? He was leaving me and didn't want to see me.
After that...I hated Pluto. I just had this chip on my shoulder for Pluto.
Then, jump about 7 years later, me and my friends are at Disneyland Sophomore year of high school and we turn the corner and there's Pluto. My friends flipped and all got in line to take a picture, but not me. I wasn't interested.
However...Pluto was definately interested in me. He approached me, even though I had stayed back, and it was as if he remembered me as a little Amber...because he put out his arms wide and took me in the best embrace I've ever had.
Ever since then...
I've been in love.
Every time I see Pluto, it's like I'm that little kid Amber who first saw Pluto at the Toontown Gazebo. I always want a picture with him. Who I am whenever I see Pluto makes me feel like a little kid again.
And when you're a little kid? Being in love with a Disney character is something that you never, ever forget:
As a result of my ever growing love for Pluto, my niece Leila, inherited it:
Seeing your favorite character without even trying to is like finding money in your pants pocket.
It's like finding gold doubloons in your pocket.
It's absolutely not what you ever expected to find.
Like Figment and Dreamfinder when you're just a little kid.
Or Clopin when you least expect it. Here's the story for this picture:
"Clopin has by far been my favorite character since Hunchback came out. This photo was taken in 2001 when I was on my first college program. I had heard he did meet and greets in the park- not just the show- but I had never been lucky enough to catch him. When I saw Clopin walking towards the sorcerer's hat for a meet and greet- I screamed- yelled his name and RAN to him like a teenager who had just seen Justin Beiber. That's pure elation on my face from being able to meet him. I walked around all day talking about him- like I just met someone famous. You just can't duplicate that."
Monday, June 13, 2011
#992: Getting great photo ops on Safari
According to all the papers posted all over the village of Harambe in Disney's Animal Kingdom, Kilimanjaro Safaris is 2nd to none. They have the best safaris in Africa and their motto is "Where We Go Wild". So any way you slice it, you're promised one Awesome safari.
I don't know about you, but it seems that every single time I get on a Safari truck with an expert Safari Guide, one way or another, we get distracted by Poachers that have yet again broken into the reserve to hurt the animals, one in particular, a missing mother elephant and our 2 week safari always gets "cut short".
And because of this, I feel like I have to go on the Safari again and again until I'm out for the full two week long trek that I am always promised.
There is a silver lining to riding Kilimanjaro Safaris again and again however, and it's simple, I get another chance to potentially get the perfect picture of a rare and beautiful wild animal that I can only see in Africa.
You see, while on safari, you're probably always going to see a Yellow Billed Stork or a couple of Hippos. Those Nile Crocidile love to sunbathe in the same places every.day. But I'll tell you what, when your safari driver has to stop their truck because a Giraffe has stepped so close to the moving vehicle to say hello, that said Giraffe has to lower his head in order to duck inside under the tarp? That's a one in a million sighting. It doesn't happen everyday.
I don't know about you, but it seems that every single time I get on a Safari truck with an expert Safari Guide, one way or another, we get distracted by Poachers that have yet again broken into the reserve to hurt the animals, one in particular, a missing mother elephant and our 2 week safari always gets "cut short".
And because of this, I feel like I have to go on the Safari again and again until I'm out for the full two week long trek that I am always promised.
There is a silver lining to riding Kilimanjaro Safaris again and again however, and it's simple, I get another chance to potentially get the perfect picture of a rare and beautiful wild animal that I can only see in Africa.
You see, while on safari, you're probably always going to see a Yellow Billed Stork or a couple of Hippos. Those Nile Crocidile love to sunbathe in the same places every.day. But I'll tell you what, when your safari driver has to stop their truck because a Giraffe has stepped so close to the moving vehicle to say hello, that said Giraffe has to lower his head in order to duck inside under the tarp? That's a one in a million sighting. It doesn't happen everyday.
While the rest of the world on a safari might see the Ankole Cattle like this:
And think they got a pretty cool picture of an animal they've never seen before...think how much more Awesome their photo might be if it was one more like this:
Granted, Ankole Cattle aren't even the coolest ones you can get!
What if, on your one and only safari of your lifetime, you got this great picture of a Giraffe:
That is a cool picture.
But...what if one day, you scored one like THIS:
What about this Elephant?
That's a pretty cool picture!
But not as awesome as THIS ONE!
And check out this super cute adorable baby rhino!
That actually really is an exquisite view!
And just check out this insanely AWESOME pic of it's MOMMY!
The posters all over Harambe are true. There are lots of choices for wild African Safaris, but the one that you should always go with, is Kilimanjaro Safaris, hands down.
They may have some issues with poachers...but the chance to ride again and take better pictures than before never lets you down.
#993: Getting a Peanut Butter and Jelly shake at Tune In Lounge
First of all, let's get one thing straight, let's put it on the table:
The 50's Prime Time Cafe is the best place to eat at Disney's Hollywood Studios.
Say what you will about any other place at Hollywood Studios, but I'll definately argue til I'm blue in the face, but that really isn't the point of this entry. The point is: Peanut Butter and Jelly Shakes.
And I highly suggest that if you haven't yet tried a PB and J shake? That you stop reading this blog right now and go out and GET ONE.
Again...not the entire point of this entry, but a big part of it...
Anyway... Peanut Butter and Jelly shakes are delightful, delicious and can be found only at 50's Prime Time Cafe. But listen, I get it, I know how long and strenuous it must be to make a reservation, sit down at your table, get the run down from your "cousin", order a PB and J shake, enjoy it, pay your tab and leave. But do not fret, there is an alternative, that believe it or not, a lot of people aren't super aware of:
The Tune In Lounge.
The Tune In Lounge is the Cafe's take on Dad's Liquor Cabinet aka a full bar. If you're waiting for a reservation, hanging out at the Tune In Lounge is where you're going to end up.
But check this out, if you want to have a PB and J shake minus all the stress and time it's going to take to sit down and order one? Just swing by Dad's Liquor Cabinet and tell them you would like to indulge in one PB and J shake right there at the bar.
Yes it's true. You can order a beer or a margarita or whatever you want, but it feels so much better to slip inside a busy restaurant and order a delightful treat that will taste like nothing short of a party in your mouth.
So enjoy the best part of your childhood mixed with the best parts of being an adult right here in good ol' Walt Disney World.
#994: Public Sleeping
This is my friend Duncan:
Duncan here is a very wise gentleman and over the few years that I've known him, he has taught me a lot.
He is the Bay Area Connoisseur.
A fountain of trivial knowledge for all things.
But the most important thing I've learned from my friend Duncan...
is Public Sleeping.
Now, Public Sleeping, as first explained to me in Disneyland 2009, is an art form and an opportunity that should never be passed up as long as it's presenting itself. Duncan said that benches, grassy knolls and vacant open spaces (also known as Nooks, we'll talk about how Awesome they are later) anywhere in Disney Parks are specifically made for taking public naps.
I think that the beauty of nap taking in Walt Disney World is the fact that it's socially acceptable and it feels stupendous. A day might be running rather long, or you may just have not gotten a ton of sleep the night before, but either way you slice it, you gotta take a load off at one point or another during the day. As soon as you find a comfortable place to close your little eyes and take a power nap...that's when the glory and euphoria kicks in.
Duncan fell asleep on a chair at the Dream Suite in Disneyland.
It didn't take long...for me to follow suit.
Public Sleeping truly is an art form.
And the next time you're walking around Epcot in Futureworld? Take a stroll past the grassy knolls in front of Mission: Space.
That's a bonafide #1 choice for Public Sleeping and I'm sure you'll find someone reveling in the joy.
Do not ever fight the urge to rest your head on a bench's arm rest...or on a nearby friend while riding Ellen's Energy Adventure at Epcot.
Or on the People Mover...
Or on break from work...
Or the Wilderness Lodge on one of it's comfy couches in one of the many hidden nooks...
How about a random bench?
This is called the Nawlin's Sprawl...this is New Orleans Square at Disneyland.
Anywhere you can stretch out, get a little shut eye and wake up still in the most Magical Place on Earth, sounds like a pretty great nap to me.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
#995: Seeing Space Mountain with the lights on while riding the People Mover.
I can't explain why, but no matter how many times you've been Disney World, or how many rides you've been on, a favorite of everyone's, is the Tomorrowland Transit Authority aka the People Mover.
There's something nostalgic about it's simplicity, the overhead announcer explaining how much we should look forward to what the future has to offer, and let's be honest, it's just plain relaxing when you've had a long day or just need to take a load off.
The People Mover is a bonafide Classic.
But, sometimes things don't always go right at Walt Disney World. Sometimes shows get cancelled and rides break down and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
You'll never know when to expect these things to happen, so it's best to just enjoy the ride for as long as it'll last. But let's be honest...the People Mover isn't one to break down very often (*knock on wood*), however, there is a ride that will break down once in a while, in the most AWESOME way possible.
The People Mover takes us all over Tomorrowland, over the Carousel of Progress, through Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin, but most importantly, and most Awesomely, through Space Mountain.
And when Space Mountain is experiencing "technical difficulties"? All that ride the People Mover know about it.
There's something nostalgic about it's simplicity, the overhead announcer explaining how much we should look forward to what the future has to offer, and let's be honest, it's just plain relaxing when you've had a long day or just need to take a load off.
The People Mover is a bonafide Classic.
But, sometimes things don't always go right at Walt Disney World. Sometimes shows get cancelled and rides break down and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
You'll never know when to expect these things to happen, so it's best to just enjoy the ride for as long as it'll last. But let's be honest...the People Mover isn't one to break down very often (*knock on wood*), however, there is a ride that will break down once in a while, in the most AWESOME way possible.
The People Mover takes us all over Tomorrowland, over the Carousel of Progress, through Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin, but most importantly, and most Awesomely, through Space Mountain.
And when Space Mountain is experiencing "technical difficulties"? All that ride the People Mover know about it.
Because guess what?
You're not in Deep Space anymore...cuz the lights are on.
What makes this Awesome particularly AWESOME, is that it rarely happens. And you don't know when it's going to happen until you're minding your own business, gliding along on the People Mover and then suddenly, it's not dark. It's not Spacey...it's bright, and you can see a track.
So snap some pictures no matter how bad the picture might be, because you have no idea when you'll be able to take another awful picture of Space Mountain with the lights on.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
#996: Scoring a Bandit show at the Great Movie Ride
Let's face it:
The Great Movie Ride at Disney's Hollywood Studios is one of the most classic attractions on property. It's been through some changes and some refurbishments over the years, but the classics are still classics and they'll always be classics.
The Footlight Parade scene will forever be immobile. The Alien animanatronic in the ceiling has stopped working entirely as of a month ago. And everytime we get to the Fantasia section, I remember that was supposed to be a prologue to the Wizard of Oz finale scene.
But there's one thing that has been around since the beginning, and I know will never ever change. And that's those pesky Gangsters in the underworld that are always highjacking Great Movie Ride vehicles.
The Great Movie Ride at Disney's Hollywood Studios is one of the most classic attractions on property. It's been through some changes and some refurbishments over the years, but the classics are still classics and they'll always be classics.
The Footlight Parade scene will forever be immobile. The Alien animanatronic in the ceiling has stopped working entirely as of a month ago. And everytime we get to the Fantasia section, I remember that was supposed to be a prologue to the Wizard of Oz finale scene.
But there's one thing that has been around since the beginning, and I know will never ever change. And that's those pesky Gangsters in the underworld that are always highjacking Great Movie Ride vehicles.
What's great about these particular Gangsters that lurk around the Great Movie Ride is that they're virtually harmless (despite how many times they elude to murdering you somehow), they don't know what's going on and they're actually pretty entertaining to have around.
At the end of the day, experiencing a Gangster highjack your vehicle is pretty "Awesome" all by itself.
However, there is one way that your Great Movie Ride experience can be kicked up a notch...and you know that element is going to come into play when you glide right through the Underworld ("the scene of such Gangster films like the Public Enemy starring one of my favorite Hollywood tough guys James Cagney"), with no more of an interruption than being caught in the middle of a shoot out...but no Mugsy emerges.
All of a sudden...you're in the Old West, and that's when you know that you've reached the next level of Awesome in the Great Movie Ride.
You just scored yourself a Bandit show.
No matter how many times you've been on the Great Movie Ride, it's like a different attraction entirely when you hit this jackpot. Bandits rarely make themselves seen in these parts, but when they do, boy Howdy are you in for a treat.
Let's start with the obvious: It's always nice to get a rare treat, but let's also not forget about the Yee-haws, the Cowboy twang, and my favorite part: the bank blows up.
Yes, it truly is a nice little bonus when you score a Bandit Show. So, even if Prime Time has no open reservations, Toy Story Mania is out of Fastpasses and Fantasmic isn't playing tonight? Put your mind at ease and keep your fingers crossed, because all of that can be turned around if you're lucky enough to get your Great Movie Ride vehicle high jacked by a Bandit in the Old West.
#997: Having your party be that Magical number that a Grouper Castmember needs to fill the next ride vehicle
Waiting in long lines at Disney World can sometimes be frustrating, boring and not at all enticing to stand in. Some people come prepared with snacks in their backpacks to give them enough energy. Some people will play games like Rock Paper Scissors or Eye Spy. And others still, not expecting line waiting to be so excruciating, will have nothing else to do...but wait.
Once you're at that point in the cue where you can see the ride vehicles, the load dock and/or the track, you start to get a little excited. Finally seeing that light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. However, being on the load dock doesn't always mean that you're next. It might mean you've got five, maybe even ten more minutes until you get on the ride.
But once you get within ear shot of the Castmember who is asking how many in your party to put you in an appropriate row to fill the vehicle (also called the "Grouper"), you realize that you're almost there!
The Grouper is seating parties of 4, parties of 5, a party of 2, and then...they need a party of three.
The Grouper will call out to the next 10-20 people in line, while holding up three fingers.
The Grouper gestures to you, as they ask everyone still in front of you to move aside. And your party legally line jumps the rest of the people from you to the loading platform so that you get on the ride right now.
Once you're at that point in the cue where you can see the ride vehicles, the load dock and/or the track, you start to get a little excited. Finally seeing that light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. However, being on the load dock doesn't always mean that you're next. It might mean you've got five, maybe even ten more minutes until you get on the ride.
But once you get within ear shot of the Castmember who is asking how many in your party to put you in an appropriate row to fill the vehicle (also called the "Grouper"), you realize that you're almost there!
The Grouper is seating parties of 4, parties of 5, a party of 2, and then...they need a party of three.
The Grouper will call out to the next 10-20 people in line, while holding up three fingers.
"Party of three? Party of three?"
You quickly do a mental count of your party and realize that you have become the Magic number that is needed. All three of your hands shoot up in the air and you yell loudly (than you mean to, let's be honest.), "WE'RE A PARTY OF THREE!!!"
The Grouper gestures to you, as they ask everyone still in front of you to move aside. And your party legally line jumps the rest of the people from you to the loading platform so that you get on the ride right now.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
#998: Getting someone to drink Beverly for the first time.
The place of love and beauty and all things absolutely wonderful...ahhh Italy.
You're forgetting one thing you're also responsible for Italy...
That's right. The Italian soda pop that you can try at Club Cool in Epcot that in a single shot can ruin your day and quite possibly permanently damage your taste buds.
We've all had that unsuspecting first taste test of all the different sodas from around the world, but once you get a swig of Beverly? It's Game Over from there.
Beverly, is described on the soda fountain as:
"Beverly, with it's bitter flavor is a popular non alcoholic apertif that stimulates the appetite before dinner."
The only thing I've ever seen Beverly stimulate, is someone's need to throw up. And bitter flavor is putting it delicately, it has been described as being comparable to battery acid.
But still...there is no greater feeling in the world than walking into Club Cool with a first timer, or in your eyes, an Unsuspecting Victim. You've gotta play it cool, or they're going to know something is up. Entice them to try Mexico or Japan (my personal favorite), and then tell them that Italy's Beverly? Is to die for.
And in retrospect...you're not entirely lying...you may die from it.
Once you watch a close friend of yours gag and choke and try to upchuck the shot they just consumed, now it's time for the real games to begin. Now it's time to make victims of perfect strangers.
I aim for kids with cool looking parents. Those are the best. Once parents catch you wink as you fill the cup up for their kids, they usually think it's hysterical.
So make a game of it. See how many strangers you can convince to try it, and then, see how many of them want to seek revenge on someone else as they go lurking around for a victim of their own. Beverly should really have a different description entirely:
Beverly: It's the worst liquid you could ever put in your body...but it's been bringing friends, families and perfect strangers together for years.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
#999: Open Condiment Bars
My favorite place to eat on property, if I'm just getting some Quick Service, is good ol' Pecos Bill's Cafe in Frontierland.
They have an eclectic menu, and lots of self-checkout computer screens, so the experience is always pretty speedy and low stress no matter what time of day.
But I'll be honest...I think what brings me back time and time again to Pecos Bill's is that gigantic open condiment bar.
You're gonna drop at least 15 bucks a plate on a burger, fries and a drink. Walking away from a Disney cash register after buying lunch with change from a $20 is actually a feat in it's own category. But I can do you one better.
Spend that 15 bucks at Pecos Bill's or Cosmic Ray's in Tomorrowland, and you'll be sure to get your money's worth and here's why.
Open Condiment Bars in Disney go all out. You don't just have your regular ketchup, mustard and relish, oh no. You've also got pumps of tangy BBQ sauce and not to mention Hot Cheese. Now, these are not your everyday dipping sauces for french fries, so if you're eating here for lunch? Skip the bagged apple slices and go for the fries.

I tell them how much I love extra sauteed mushrooms, while I simaltaneously grab a fork to eat them, with absolutely zero intention of placing them on my burger.
So seek out a seat on the backside of the Tortuga restaurant and eat up. Those mushrooms will taste especially delicious knowing that this extra side you just scavenged was once a measly member of the Condiment Bar.
They have an eclectic menu, and lots of self-checkout computer screens, so the experience is always pretty speedy and low stress no matter what time of day.
But I'll be honest...I think what brings me back time and time again to Pecos Bill's is that gigantic open condiment bar.
You're gonna drop at least 15 bucks a plate on a burger, fries and a drink. Walking away from a Disney cash register after buying lunch with change from a $20 is actually a feat in it's own category. But I can do you one better.
Spend that 15 bucks at Pecos Bill's or Cosmic Ray's in Tomorrowland, and you'll be sure to get your money's worth and here's why.
Open Condiment Bars in Disney go all out. You don't just have your regular ketchup, mustard and relish, oh no. You've also got pumps of tangy BBQ sauce and not to mention Hot Cheese. Now, these are not your everyday dipping sauces for french fries, so if you're eating here for lunch? Skip the bagged apple slices and go for the fries.
But that's not all.
There are never ending platters of lettuce, tomatoes, onions, pickles and the coup de gras sauteed mushrooms.
These are no longer condiments in my eyes...these, my friend, are free sides.
This is the point where the burger and fries are strategically pushed to one side of the tiny plate (that's right, they're served on baby plates now, no more cardboard boats. I think Pecos Bill was catching on), and I scoop those sauteed mushrooms into the vacant spot. And if I get the stink eye from an observant castmember?
I tell them how much I love extra sauteed mushrooms, while I simaltaneously grab a fork to eat them, with absolutely zero intention of placing them on my burger.
So seek out a seat on the backside of the Tortuga restaurant and eat up. Those mushrooms will taste especially delicious knowing that this extra side you just scavenged was once a measly member of the Condiment Bar.
#1000: Having a Monorail car to yourself
Maybe it's your day off, or you're just letting off some steam after work, or maybe you've been playing Tour Guide all day to some friends and family in town. Fireworks were over an hour ago, the shops on Main Street are starting to clear out, and the "Closing Time" announcement (complete with pixie dust tinkling), is playing overhead.
No matter how long you've actually been out and about in the park, when it reaches that point in the night where you're one of the last to leave the Magic Kingdom, you take on a sluggish stride as you head toward the turnstiles.
Castmembers are waving goodbye to you, Monorail Pilots are waiting to help direct you to either the Express or Resort...you take whichever is closest.
You make your way up the cement ramp and wait the few minutes for one of the twelve Monorails to greet you with open doors. While you wait for that moment to come, you survey all the corrals that are provided to enter each car.
And then...you wait for the Monorail to arrive. Hoping that it will get there soon enough, and more importantly leave soon enough for the most alleviating experience of the day.
The Monorail arrives (if it's your favorite monorail, you know magic is about to be made. Teal is my light at the end of the tunnel), the doors open, you pile inside. Moving all the way across the car to make room for everybody and sliding across the bench (you know the drill).
Now...the overhead automated spiel is going...and the "bing-bong" chime plays which you know means the doors are closing.
It's time to call it a night.
No matter how long you've actually been out and about in the park, when it reaches that point in the night where you're one of the last to leave the Magic Kingdom, you take on a sluggish stride as you head toward the turnstiles.
Castmembers are waving goodbye to you, Monorail Pilots are waiting to help direct you to either the Express or Resort...you take whichever is closest.
You make your way up the cement ramp and wait the few minutes for one of the twelve Monorails to greet you with open doors. While you wait for that moment to come, you survey all the corrals that are provided to enter each car.
And that's when you see it.
An empty corral.
You and your party, all of a sudden, riden with a sense of adrenaline, book it to the vacant corral.
And then...you wait for the Monorail to arrive. Hoping that it will get there soon enough, and more importantly leave soon enough for the most alleviating experience of the day.
The Monorail arrives (if it's your favorite monorail, you know magic is about to be made. Teal is my light at the end of the tunnel), the doors open, you pile inside. Moving all the way across the car to make room for everybody and sliding across the bench (you know the drill).
Now...the overhead automated spiel is going...and the "bing-bong" chime plays which you know means the doors are closing.
And then...it happens:
You have your very own Monorail car.
So, do whatever you like.
Take in a deep breath of that horse barn smell.
Sprawl all over the benches.
Do some sweet flips or crazy moves on the silver railings.
Relish in the AC that is all yours for the taking.
Because tonight?
For the next 5-7 minutes?
That Monorail car belongs to you.
"I hope we never lose sight of one thing: that it was all started by a mouse." -Walt Disney
In this case, on this Blog, I hope we never lose sight of one thing: That it was all started by a book.
This book will change your life. If you don't have the means to read the book, then please educate yourself with his blog:
The beauty of the Book of Awesome is plain and simple.
Finding the simple and wonderful things in life and recognizing them for what they truly are: AWESOME. And if finding awesome things in everyday life isn't fun enough, some friends and I started to look for the little "awesomes" in our Disney life. Then it hit us:
Castmembers. Annual Passholders. First time visitors. People watchers. Kids. Grandparents. Everyone, from every line of business, from every walk of life and for whatever reason they're in Walt Disney World, we've all experienced Awesome Disney things. So, I decided that there should be a place where we can document said Awesome things.
Anytime that we wonder why we're here. Why we do what we do. Anytime we're down or just need to smile, we'll have this blog to refer to.
So, let's sit back and revel in the magic that Awesome Disney things truly have to offer. Enjoy!
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